Types of jobs:
1. Non training jobs:
- These are jobs in which there is no career progression.
- It is equivalent to working as a house officer/ RMO post MBBS in India.
2. Training jobs:
- These are jobs in which there is career progression.
- It is equivalent to joining a post-graduation/ super-specialty training in India.
Find out how to get into a training post here.
1. Junior doctors:
Hierarchy of doctors in UK:
1. Junior doctors:
- Foundation Year 1 (also known as Junior House Officer)
- Foundation Year 2
- ST1/CT1
- ST2/CT2
FY2, CT 1/2 and ST1/2 are collectively known as Senior House Officers/ Junior clinical fellows.
2. Middle Grade Doctors:
- ST3
- ST4
- ST5
- ST6
They are collective known as Junior registrars, Senior clinical fellows or specialty registrars.
3. Senior doctors:
- ST7
- ST8
4. Consultants