Booking PLAB 2

On the day of your PLAB 1 result, keep your credit card ready to book your PLAB 2 date. PLAB 2 is held in Manchester, London and Cambridge, and the dates fill up really fast. So plan your booking date even before your result comes out and book your date without any further delay.



What if the date you want is booked:

It is highly advisable to book the next available date and re-plan your schedule. However, due to any
reason if this isn't possible, then what I suggest is to wait for 10 days. From what I have noticed,
GMC tends to open up more slots and there is a possibility that you will get the desired date. But
 please try this approach only if you feel that there is no way that you can give this exam at a later
date.(GMC may or may not open the new ones)

Also, try checking/refreshing the date/booking page every hour for the next 10 days. There is a
high possibility that  someone cancels his/her slot and you can book it.

Also, remember that once you book your slot, you will NOT be able to see the list of available dates.
So think and plan wisely.

Date swap:

This is highly unadvisable. Here, 2 people who want to swap their dates cancel their booking at the
same time and immediately book the other date(the slot gets freed and hence is visible on the GMC
website). But this is risky due to the fact that the freed slot becomes visible to everyone and anyone
can book it if not fast. Standard cancellation charges will also be applicable.